Meryl Yeo Yawen // M. YEO. TRUEORIGIN™

Old-school Storyteller in a time of AI.
Art, Books. Tales for the Freethinking Soul.
Spontaneous and Performative, Multi-sensory Dialogues.

✏️“Opposite perspectives give us Strength in our own Views. Together, we are stronger in our Differences.” - M. Yeo. Trueorigin aka Meryl Yeo Yawen

I’ve always been a Freethinker since I was young, grew up in the elusive and decadent cocoon of old Singapore, but left to see the world. Along the way, many have misguidedly tried to talk me out of my path, but were never able to shake or mar my natural inner questioning, desire to stay independent or live life the way I imagine. Apart from a career that has spanned several high-performance industries, I’ve been on TV (model, commercials), film (acting) and radio as a personality. I am at heart, however, a writer (composer) and artist.

Today I produce art and books containing what I like to call layered parables for the freethinking soul - freethinker parables for us, stories that we can own without requiring an allegiance. I obtain my raw material using a spontaneous method of dialogue channeling that bears some resemblance to performance art. Some of my works have appeared on top charts in the past years. However, I have never been credited or received compensation for them. Now I’m publishing solely under my name because we all deserve a chance to tell our stories and own them, too. As promised, I have let others go first.

As a self-directed artist, I learned how to do most things from first-hand experience. I enjoy distilling what seems simple and using them to create complex harmonies, with the idea that ‘the extraordinary arises from the ordinary.’ As they say, one can be cool on the outside but brimming with passion inside. My creative choices are informed by my unusually delayed harvest and late self-realization. Most of this came as a surprise to me, just as it was to others. Somehow I escaped society’s brutal pressure to fit in and produce early results, mostly because I prefer dialogue over conformity or fixed theories regarding intelligence and value. This, ironically, enabled my success in overcoming society’s discarding process to emerge as a well-adjusted individual with robust self-esteem and individuality. My experiences are expressed through my works and this will become more evident in time as an inimitable dimension of encryption.

I most enjoy engaging in an ignostic method of observation, interaction and reflection, marrying this with specific elements from a late-blooming consciousness. During meditative sessions of sequencing with layered methods, I’m able to go deep enough and achieve retrieval with accuracy. The recovered material is unique to you and assembling from this space produces results that would point back to you as the original author. I tend to favor tiered egalitarian access over opaque intellectual dialect. (off topic: My favorite descriptive words for the latter are “highfalutin” and “hubris”)

While the society I was born into silently dictates that a feminine woman’s life ends at 30 or she is forced to become a donor, life for me at 40 has only just begun and I’m fighting to live it for me and truly flourish with the serious career I deserve - sans -isms or fake narratives. Luckily, neuroplasticity appears to lack discrimination while favoring individual character and effort. I’m recovering after a 2023 physical theft of my works-in-progress, for which I made a police report. I refuse to be forced to become a donor, as was done to my mother. We were wealthy business and property owners with a matriarchal line of military and political leadership, with star athletes, businessmen and some artists in our family.

I’ve been known as Meryl Yeo Yawen (Yeo, Yawen) since 2001. My married name in Switzerland is Mrs. Yawen Schindhelm. I’ve run my own brand TRUEORIGIN since 2013. From Mar 2022 to Oct 2023, I was a founding partner of Schindhelm-Yeo GmbH but it had no projects. In the past 5 years, I have been alternately credited as Yawen Schindhelm-Yeo and Yawen Yeo-Schindhelm instead of Meryl Yeo Yawen. In Australia, friends often call me “Mezza” or “Mez” for short - a fond abbreviation of Meryl.

At end 2023, I published my first book under the pen name M.Yeo TrueOrigin. Link to Amazon page here.

I welcome and appreciate your support of my craft and wish to share more. If you would like to support an artist please fund them directly wherever possible, making purchases through their official/direct platforms and channels. It does not go to the artist unless you’re being shown the artist’s own physical platform for the explicit purpose of being invited to spend there, where all direct purchases are run through that platform and go to the artist. Never give money to independent middlemen, even if they claim a close connection or show papers to “prove” the money is going to the artists you think you’re supporting. If in doubt, just reach out to the artist to make sure you’re not purchasing stolen artwork. They’re available.

I have never sold or leased the originals of my lyrics/compositions, digital art or sketches, in part or full. I have no authorized representatives.

The most authentic, powerful stories speak for themselves. It takes more persistence and conviction, but it will be worth it in the end. On it!

I created and ran the TRUEORIGIN Youtube Channel as an independent, self-funded protagonist, where I played, directed and recorded my avatar and footage, then sequenced and edited them using my own creative choices. I designed my own logos, channel aesthetic and personality. This was done for a brief time beginning 2013.

See my “About” section for more on my background and career since age 17.

As a self-made Singaporean, I’m thrilled to be on my adventures doing what I love as an artist and writer - to put my work out, according to my vision, despite all odds. Keep going, never give up - a rolling stone gathers no moss. Looking forward to sharing more in time. Till then.

- Meryl Yeo Yawen (Pen Name M. Yeo. TrueOrigin)
(Mrs. Yawen Schindhelm)

p.s. Words, ideas and direction mine.

Out on Amazon.